Konstantin Boyko

Konstantin Boyko



Konstantin is CEO at JustCoded who always thinks two steps ahead.

Having a background in Maths, he's developed a great passion for Business Development and Marketing. A calm mind and a well-reasoned approach he applies to any situation allow us to build and nurture friendly relationships with our clients, and some of those have been lasting for more than a decade now.

Whenever possible, Konstantin tries to learn new things and acquire new skills. In 2018, he took a FinTech course from Oxford and tried himself at public speaking at FinTech related events in UK and Ireland.

Feel free to get in touch with Konstantin if you have a particular business concern and need an outside perspective.
  • Email kboyko@justcoded.com
  • Skype ID kostya.boyko


Book a call With our strategist

What we will talk about:
  • you and your business needs;
  • current plans, ideas, and strategy;
  • possible solution to your business challenge.

Describe your business requirements in enough details so we could understand your goal better.

*If an NDA should come first, please let us know.