Benefits of using a white-label crowdfunding software for your business

Alexander Prokopenko
Alexander Prokopenko Chief Technical Officer
7 minutes to read
white label crowdfunding platform

If you want to launch your own online fundraising business, you must be thinking about whether to build it from scratch or benefit from white-label crowdfunding software.

It’s a trending topic. To help you weigh the options, we present the perks of a white label crowdfunding platform. They will help you decide whether to invest time and effort into creating your website from ground zero.

But before we go any further, let’s understand what a white-label solution is.

The “white-label tag means that a company builds up a product or service for sale and allows the buyers to tune-up the basic solution according to their needs.

Thus, using a white-label technology, it’s easier to seize an opportunity and jumpstart your business.

Advantages of a white-label crowdfunding platform

Benefits of using white label crowdfunding platforms vary, but there are some essential bullet points worth mentioning.

1. Custom white-label crowdfunding platform software at a fraction of a cost

A majority of software providers offer a source code at an affordable price. In this case, the initial investment to set up your white label p2p platform is not as significant as if you hired a dedicated team of developers.

Then again, to start a project in-house without the necessary expertise could be a loss for your startup, too.

So why not go for custom development on top of someone else’s solution then?

2. Cost is not the only thing to consider. Time matters more

If your primary focus is more on strategy than coding, then concentre on what you are good at.

An almost ready-made technical part of the business would not only reduce the cost of the project. It will allow you to invest precious time into what matters.

It’s important to set the priorities if you’re a startup, so white-label crowdfunding platform development by a third party can be a good solution.

Juggling tasks for your team can either benefit your performance or drag your organisation down and behind schedule.

3. Reducing the risk of spilling the beans

When you choose a vendor to create a white label crowdsourcing platform, you can secure your intellectual property and prevent your bold idea from spreading around before it goes live.

At JustCoded, we always sign an NDA agreement if you need it and won’t disclose any information unless without your written permission.

The best white-label crowdfunding platform is the one that has the development team to ensure that the solution complies with your unique workflow even if it’s different from conventional Kickstarter or Indiegogo.

4. Going public in no time

Crafting the right marketing strategy after the technical part of the project could be time-consuming.

A ready-to-use script with a myriad of possibilities and social features is one of the perks you get with the already built white label crowdfunding platform.

Social networks allow business owners to reduce marketing efforts, attract more eyes to their project, and start making money quicker.

5. Greater independence and freedom to do what matters

There are all sorts of crowdfunding portals. Whether you need a white-label real estate crowdfunding or peer-to-peer lending website, you can leverage the power of the out-of-the-box solution and add custom features to suit your business model.

A sneak peek into LenderKit: our white-label crowdfunding platform

Time is money, right?

We developed dozens of crowdfunding platforms for our clients and decided to take a moment to the market.

What is trending in the world of crowdfunding?

How fast does the industry develop?

How many players appear every month?

According to Statista, alternative lending is picking up steam.

transaction-value-alternative-lending Benefits of using a white-label crowdfunding software for your business
Source –

There are various ready-made solutions for blogging, travelling, and e-commerce. What if we develop one for crowdfunding?

Shorter time to market these days means not only faster ROI. It gives you the flexibility to change strategy in response to the market changes.

Of course, it’s unlikely to build a solution that fits everybody.

Equity crowdfunding requires a set of features that P2P or crowdlending don’t and vice versa.

As mentioned earlier, it’s still worth starting with something tangible, develop it further and see the results faster.

We built our white-label crowdfunding software with real estate crowdfunding in mind. Yet, it can be modified and extended to work with P2P lending business-model or donation-based crowdfunding.

The core business logic is there, and we can build everything else on top to make your life easier.

The platform consists of three main parts:

  • separate frontend view for investors and borrowers;
  • different user dashboards for investors and borrowers;
  • admin dashboard to manage investors, borrowers, investments, transactions etc.

Let’s take a look at the details.

Frontend view for borrowers and investors

Often, crowdfunding platforms would target two groups: investors and borrowers.

It all depends on the marketing strategy of a crowdfunding business. You may choose to put more focus on investors or highlight the benefits for borrowers.

In our platform, we take care of investors and borrowers equally. The user flows are different, of course.

– Homepage

We can customise the homepage with the company-specific information and details. In our default homepage, we put the copy to target both investors and borrowers.

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A gallery with clickable investment opportunities comes after the intro. It should interest our users and encourage them to explore what’s inside.

offerings Benefits of using a white-label crowdfunding software for your business

– Calculators

Investment calculator brings some entertainment. It shows the predicted revenue and allows playing around with the sliders.

The graph changes according to the parameters set.

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Borrowers also get their calculator to play around.

Instead of the projected revenue, it shows a total amount to be repaid, quarterly repayment amount, and total interest rate payable based on the parameters set.

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– Open opportunities

A separate page with offerings shows all available offerings at the moment.

The platform owner is free to choose whether they want to show only current offerings or display all offerings no matter funded or not yet.

By default, the user will see the following information:

  • funding goal;
  • interest rate;
  • minimum investment;
  • term;
  • funded or not;
  • the number of days left.

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From the offering list, the users may choose to click and view the offerings they got interested in.

– Property details

Individual offering pages reveal more details about the investment opportunity in addition to those displayed on the listing.

They include a full offering description and present the documents that can be viewed and downloaded: valuation report, due diligence report, and property ID.

property-details Benefits of using a white-label crowdfunding software for your business

– Secondary market

Investors may change their mind and decide to sell their investments to other investors. There is a special section called Secondary Market which has its business logic to ensure a smooth sale process.

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A handy FAQ section provides answers to some typical questions an investor may have.

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– Account registration

To start investing or fundraising, users create an account.

Depending on the role, it has different content and works with two types of investors (individual and corporate) and one type of fundraiser.

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Investors need to pass a test to proceed with account verification by answering a few questions. This is to ensure they understand the risks they are taking.

Sign-up-3-step-e1524474795231-1047x800 Benefits of using a white-label crowdfunding software for your business– Investor dashboard

From the dashboard, investors can monitor their investments, check investment efficiency, add money to their wallet, manage personal data and investment details, view transaction history, and more.

investor-dashboard Benefits of using a white-label crowdfunding software for your business
Investor dashboard


investor-dashboard-wallet Benefits of using a white-label crowdfunding software for your business
Investor dashboard wallet

– Borrower dashboard

Borrowers get their dashboard with a different set of features.

They can see how much funds they have raised, what they owe, and what they have already repaid.

Crowdfunding efficiency graph allows making some conclusions about campaign performance and maybe make some changes to the strategy.

fundraiser-dashboard Benefits of using a white-label crowdfunding software for your business

Admin Dashboard

Any white label crowdfunding website should provide the owner with full control over everything that happens on the platform.

They can check the overall situation at the moment:

  • Total investment amount
  • New members
  • Repayments
  • Funded offerings
  • Overdue payments
  • Graphs and charts

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The left-hand navigation allows switching between the views to see an investment list, user list, overdue payments, failed campaigns.

admin-investments Benefits of using a white-label crowdfunding software for your business

The admin can also view the offerings created by borrowers and check what investments have been made, payouts due, and history.

admin-offerings Benefits of using a white-label crowdfunding software for your business

In addition to managing the crowdfunding activity in general, the admin has a user-friendly content management system.

It helps marketing activities and allows creating new static pages with content, add blog posts and categories, and control the navigation.

admin-content Benefits of using a white-label crowdfunding software for your business

We’re constantly adding new features and develop our platform further.

If you’re interested, we’d be glad to set up a demo for you and answer any questions.


White-label crowdfunding platforms  offer significant advantages if you plan to launch your online investment or crowdfunding platform:

  • reduce costs;
  • optimise the time needed for development;
  • go public faster;
  • be independent and take care of other important activity for your business.

Our white-label crowdfunding solution can help you achieve this as it comes with a variety of already developed features:

  • frontend for investors and borrowers;
  • user dashboards;
  • admin dashboard;
  • transaction management;
  • offering management;
  • permission control, etc.

These features can be customised and expanded, and though it takes time to make modifications, you count on having your MVP fast.

Feel free to contact us if you would like to learn more about our white-label crowdfunding solutions or if you need some advice – we’re just an email away!
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